Fragile Skin Moisturizing Formula

Helps rejuvenate and restore thin, fragile mature skin. Our proprietary formula was developed specifically for the needs of mature skin with hyaluronic acid, retinol, glycolic acid, niacinamide and multiple ceramides.
Moisturizing Bruise Formula

Improves the appearance of bruised skin. Rejuvenates mature skin. Helps restore skin’s natural barrierThis product helps improve the appearance of bruised skin. Our proprietary formula contains ceramides, alpha hydroxy acid and retinol to rejuvenate mature skin and help restore and repair the skin’s natural barrier.
Moisturizing Anti-itch Lotion

Pruritus, or itchy skin, is the most common skin disorder for individuals above the age of 65. As skin ages, the lipid layer, which protects our bodies, depletes and produces fewer oils that naturally keep skin moisturized. It can have a significant impact on your quality of life and can lead to serious problems like sleep deprivation. Scratching can cause further irritation to already damaged skin.
DerMend Moisturizing Anti-Itch Lotion offers targeted, gentle care to relieve itchy, dry and irritated skin without steroids. The exclusive formula restores much-needed moisture to mature skin and the Pramoxine HCl safely stops itch quickly and effectively.